Sunday 29 March 2015

This man owes me £3000   He still lives the good life 



"Dear Current/Prospective Employers and Clients of Peter Lord of Canbet,

We have written this blog and others like it to prevent the truth from being hidden about Peter Lord of Canbet. Peter Lord of Canbet was (is?) the director of Canbet, which has lost over $1 MILLION of customers' money and is yet to pay it back.

Peter Lord of Canbet seems to currently offer business consultant services through one of his other companies, Kaesbrook Consulting Pty Ltd. This company operates predominantly in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia, and Peter Lord of Canbet may have other companies operating with similar services.

You may notice that there are at least 20 "Peter Lord of Canbet" blogs and social media profiles across the internet, or ones with a similar concept, which praise Peter Lord of Canbet's business "achievements", community work and other endeavours.

Peter has done these himself and with the assistance of a social media company which is paid to write very favourable social media about their clients, as if they were written legitimately/spontaneously and not with an ulterior motive at heart.

We will continue to use the "Peter Lord of Canbet" term, as Peter Lord of Canbet uses it incessantly to try and push down these REAL internet and media associations with the failed company Canbet:

If you are looking at employing or hiring Peter Lord of Canbet, especially as a business consultant, please realise that you are taking on a man whose last major directorship was for a company which lost over $1 million of client funds.

To be a successful businessman or business consultant, you need a proven track record of success. Peter Lord of Canbet lacks that completely.

The very corny and fake "Peter Lord of Canbet" webpages, which seek to glorify Peter Lord of Canbet, were created after Peter Lord of Canbet and his co-director, Graeme White of Canbet, changed the Canbet company names to avoid further scrutiny of themselves:

As you can see, CANBET SPORTS BOOKMAKERS UK LIMITED became 4607216 LIMITED. The same goes for another UK registered company, which changed the name bearing Canbet to a generic number matching the company number as issued by UK authorities.

Peter Lord's "The International Equine Group" received $666,000 in 2012 from the NSW and Federal governments to create new jobs and establish an equine training school:

Guess what? The school is NOW DEAD. Not even the TIEG website works.

Lord was also a director of the now FAILED "Results International":

How many insolvent, failed companies can ONE MAN have had and/or been director of?

There are many, many, many upset, frustrated, distraught and badly treated Canbet customers. Many of them have congregated on the Sportsbook Review (SBR) forum:

Please make sure you undertake a serious scrutiny of Peter Lord's business antecedence before you hire or employ him.
